Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 93 : The Top Five Tips For Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

“The problem as you can probably see, though, what if you're practising fear? What if you're practising anxiety? You're then wiring that into your brain into your nervous system again, that's why tip number one, what is strongest within your mind is what you do over and over again, what you practice, you get better at.”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 86 : The Top Five Tips To Improve Your Gut Health

“There's much more to learn and a lot of research happening on what a healthy gut actually is. What it's starting to show us is that if your gut is healthy, then your overall well-being your overall health is pretty good.”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 84 : The Top Five Tips For Training New Employees Without Pulling Your Hair Out

“...it can be done in inductions, but they're still moving to that portal because a lot of organisations are now either hybrid or remote. And so, it's not as easy as just kind of raising your hand or watching what you know Tom does and how he that he fills out a procedure or whatever it is. People need to be able to be empowered to work independently..”

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