Ep 112 : The Top Five Tips For Living A Self-Led Life
“So if you pause and just get curious and say, Wait a minute, what's happening in my body? I'm feeling tense. I feel like I even want to fight like, maybe verbally. Some people might want to fight physically. But if you could pause in that moment and just notice what's happening and even ask yourself, like, who's like, what's happening here? Who's here.”
Ep 111 : The Top Five Tips For Students
“You have value right now. They are valuable right now, not when they get a degree, not after they take a class. They are valuable right now. And it is building that confidence, that entrepreneurial confidence, to not wait for someone to tell you when you have value, you have value.”
Ep 110 : The Top Five Tips For Living In The Quantum Field
“Now what scientists are beginning to think, is that consciousness out there in an ever-present quantum field that we interact with every day. We either pull information down for us to live and grow by, or we provide information up into the quantum cloud.”
Ep 109 : The Top Five Tips For Revolutionizing Leadership To Empower Diverse, Innovative Teams
“…And you know what? What I like to think about is actually you can think about your competitors as being a big threat, but if you could actually somehow get your ideas to think that using your competitors to be a collaborator actually would be more beneficial.”
Ep 108 : The Top Five Tips For Cognitive Influence in Communication
“If you can structure what you say to match how the brain is going to naturally process it. Suddenly, understanding of that communication goes up, which is the goal of communication.”
Ep 107 : The Top Five Tips For Growing Your Network, Leads And Sales Through LinkedIn
“The last thing that I'll say, and this is where I put a lot of pressure on myself as a founder, I put that same pressure on any founders listening, or if you sit in the sales or marketing seat, and it's this, you have to know, what are the pains and the barriers that your prospects are trying to overcome, what is it that they want to be educated on...”
Ep 106 : The Top Five Tips For Innovating In Large Organizations
“Good innovation happens iteratively, not with a splash and bang.”
Ep 105 : The Top Five Tips For Upgrading From Self-Discipline To Self-Permission
“To discipline yourself is to manage yourself, and you only manage that which you don't trust…”
Ep 104 : The Top Five Tips For Embedding Sustainability In Your Business Strategy
“The key is finding ways that collaboration can benefit all parties and lead to greater sustainability impact than any one organization could achieve alone.“
Ep 103 : The Top Five Tips For Strengthening Your Family Relationships
“You can love somebody without having to live with them.”
Ep 102 : The Top Five Mindset Tips From Professional Surfing And To Apply Them To Succeed In Business
“Your life depends on your focus. If you can't really sit down and focus, you know your results will suffer.”
Ep 101 : The Top Five Tips For SEO
“If you're solely dependent on Google organic search, then you're going to be missing out in the next couple of years.”
Ep 100 : The Top Five Tips For Giving Feedback
“We've got to set expectations with the employee. And when we say a word like expectations in that way, it feels like, Oh, we've got to be the school principal. We've got to tell you the rules, because if you don't follow the rules that I'm going to reprimand you..."
Ep 99 : The Top Five Tips For Using Grants As A Growth Strategy For Your Business
“When it comes to securing public funds to elevate your business to the next level, a lot of people really don't understand what being strategic means at all...”
Ep 98 : The Top Five Tips For Building A Sustainable Business
“You can put together the best spreadsheet that details the best financial projections, but if you don't have any idea how to get those numbers on that spreadsheet, then you're already behind.”
Ep 96 : The Top Five Tips For Recoding Your Subconscious
“The best form of therapy is to create a life you love”
Ep 95 : The Top Five Tips For Ethically Integrating AI To Grow Your Business
“Augment human intelligence with artificial intelligence by using it to deal with your weaknesses rather than your strengths.”
Ep 94 : The Top Five Tips For Mastering Finance and Building Wealth
“If you don't understand it, don't do it. Because there is no such thing as get rich quick. I've tried, been down all those roads... Just be wise, and know the area that you're stepping into before you start.”
Ep 93 : The Top Five Tips For Overcoming Fear and Anxiety
“The problem as you can probably see, though, what if you're practising fear? What if you're practising anxiety? You're then wiring that into your brain into your nervous system again, that's why tip number one, what is strongest within your mind is what you do over and over again, what you practice, you get better at.”