Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 29: The Top Five Tips For Running A Successful Business

“And that's our first priority in in Jim's group, our first priority is the welfare of our franchisees because the point of it is you want to look after customers, you've got to have great people, and you got to keep them. So, everything is designed back. Even customer service is designed to say how can I keep my people busy with great customer service to keep the work flowing in.”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 28: The Top Five Tips All Sellers Need To 10X Their Business

“So, we put 2000 units of belt buddies into Amazon Marketplace, and sold them out in eight days, zero marketing, zero research, zero everything and went straight out to 2000 units. And we said, Well, I think we got something going here. So, we didn't marry the product. But we tried something similar…”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 27: The Top Five Tips For Resilience

“So, need to have an accountability partner. I have somebody I speak to almost daily, just to say, Hey, this is what's happening, you know, I share the ups and the downs. Otherwise, all you do is carry everything on your shoulder. And eventually, the pressure gets too much.”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 26: The Top Five Tips To Maximize Your Profitability.

“So, do you know your conversion rate? If you don't let's start there as to find out what it is this guy we dug into it, he had a 20% conversion rate. So, for every five people his team spoke with, he would get you know one of those become a client…”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 24: The Top Five Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in Asia

“The temptation in Western cultures to quickly move from relationship building, to securing and then close the deal. However, from an Asian perspective, the emphasis is on establishing a quality and a long-term relationship first, and I call this the 20-year rule. So, here's what I mean, if I don't get the impression from you that we will continue having a solid relationship in 20 years’ time, I'm less likely to invest in the relationship right now…”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 23: The Top Five Tips To Rock LinkedIn

“This is absolutely the wrong question. The first thing you should be doing is deciding what your purpose is on LinkedIn, because your purpose educates everything else that you do on the platform.”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 22: The Top Five Tips For Pitching Your Expert Services

“It just takes away that guesswork and the panic. When those exciting opportunities come to you, you just know, it's like, great. I've got this thing ready to go. I can tweak it slightly for this client if I need to. But I've got this stuff, and I know it works. It's got everything they'll need to make a decision.”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 20: The Top Five Tips For Being The Best in Your Profession

“You have to realise that you succeed in direct proportion to the amount that you help others succeed. So, it's not all about you and your success and how much money you're making. At the end of the day. It's going to be about how much you can help the guy who's sitting across the desk deciding whether he should give you a job.”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 19: The Top Five Tips for Having The X Factor

“ I think I would say to everyone who's listening to this, really do think about why you are unique, why you are different. Because if you are, you will get my attention. And I say my attention, I mean, the attention of whoever it is that you're interested in, in getting…”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 18: The Top Five Tips For Harnessing in Power

“ So many people are afraid of taking risks. And they are so afraid of betting on themselves just in case they fail. But I've come to realise that people aren't afraid of failure, people are afraid of failing in front of other people. And I think once you take that out of the equation, and you're like, you know what, even if I do fail...”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 12: The Top Five Tips for an Executive Leader

“And so, if that is more effective with one of my team members, then that's the approach I'm going to take if I'm trying to communicate something to them, and I would hope that they reciprocate with me. “

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 10: The Top Five Tips For Leadership Success

“I encourage people to have a little list of their favourite clever questions printed out on a card and keep it in your pocket. And so, when you go to a networking event, have a list of your favourite questions that you're going to ask.”

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