Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 52 : The Top Five Tips For Conquering Your Business

“I have long ago embraced, and it came from a weird place, that most things don't work. Failure is actually really my goal…The goal when you compete for strength is absolute failure. You haven't tried hard enough until you failed…”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 51 : The Top Five Tips For Running A Business

“The first word in a question is often the most important. So, if you ask, Why did you do that, then that comes across as accusatory. And then you're setting up a more aggressive space, but if you open instead with what was going on for you, or tell me what was going on for you? Or how did that arise?..”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 49 : The Top Five Tips For AI Email Marketing Tips

“I think the first tip is really using your email list to book your calendar solid. And because we're what we all basically need to need to look at is very similar to Stephen Covey's begin with the end in mind with everything...”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 48 : The Top Five Tips For Winning More Sales

“You need to align your purpose with your profession. So, what this essentially means is that if you want to be successful in sales, you really need to believe in what you do, people will assess you based on your level of conviction…”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 47 : The Top Five Tips For Managers To Retain Their Employee Talent

“Salary can only go so far in your work experience. And I have always been under the impression that there's always somebody out there that's going to pay more. But when you pay the house high salary, and they actually get in the job, this is where sometimes some of the disconnects, start to happen…”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 45 : The Top Five Tips For Redesigning Your Business To Work Without You

“When I first started, the very first meeting I ever had with my manager, he imparted to me this wisdom. He goes, Look, Richard, if you really want to go up the ladder really fast. Just do one thing. Just make your boss's life easier. Right? And I thought, okay, cool. Great. That's easy. And I was doing it for a few years at KPMG. And then I started getting juniors under me. And I'm like, hey, these juniors, how do I motivate them?..”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 44 : The Top Five Tips For Fighting Toxic Work Cultures

“When I say about expressing your needs verbally, it also goes for positive behaviours. But then when it goes to setting clear boundaries, it's extremely important, specifically for behaviours that cause problem for us or behaviours that might be violating…”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 43 : The Top Five Tips For Trading It All In

“Delegate, delegate, delegate, I've got a lot of stuff written around this one as well…For me, the first one that comes to mind is like an IT person, you know, they're supposed to approve something, and that just freezes 100 people until that's approved or reviewed or having a conference call about it…”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 40: The Top Five Tips for Mastering Your Profit Potential

“It has to be connected to market research and understanding what your clients need, so that you can deliver why they need it. But I would always start with my clients from that inner place as to what is aligned for you to offer, not just what is it that you can sell…”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 39 : The Top Five Tips For Living An Unstoppable Career and Life

“I've learned from making mistakes, you know, I learned in my 20s, my nickname was the Iron Maiden. And that's because I've been through massive restructuring, 18, mergers and acquisitions, lots of really difficult decisions to be made. But I didn't show up. I didn't get to know all the individuals in part because one, I had a bit of impostor syndrome, myself, the youngest in the room, the only woman often at the boardroom table…”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 38 : The Top Five Tips For Launching Your Ideal Business.

“Most human beings are so unaware of their own internal patterns, their own internal beliefs and patterns emotionally, that they are in effect, an emotional pinball machine. In other words, they are living their lives and React, React, React, React, React….

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 37 : The Top Five Tips To Negotiate Without Leaving Money On The Table

“I did about 5000 interviews, I'd say about 3000 of those, the person has told me what they're currently making, which we call in recruiting terms spilling the candy, which you do not want to do. And it's actually illegal for anyone in HR, or a hiring manager to ask what they're making. So instead, what I recommend doing is something called reverse.”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 36 : The Top Five Tips For Growing Your Business Exponentially.

“I believe networking is an inclusive activity. So, the more networking you do, the more opportunities you're going to create for yourself. So never think of networking as I should only ever do one and give that everything. Because what you're doing is you're limiting the opportunities that you can bring into that that particular room of people, you want to create opportunities for people in the room, that's your role in the networking room. And everybody's thinking that way, everyone's creating opportunities for each other. So, the more networking we do, the more opportunities we can create for other people.”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 35 : The Top Five Tips For Building Resilience

“It's just that when we take our problems on ourselves, and we don't seek a different point of view or a different reference point, they can absolutely become all-consuming because we only have the benefit of our own experiences. And we only have the benefits of our own limited knowledge, education and understanding. But when you get the benefit of being able to look at a particular problem, from the perspective of the person that you might have a problem with or the issue that you might have.”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 34 : The Top Five Tips For Succeeding With A Virtual Assistant

“…where we tend to be amazing problem solvers, but that also means that whenever we're stuck, we don't say anything, because we want to wait until we can find that solution. So when you do these daily things, you can just then just ask, Oh, yeah, where are you at on this, and there'll be like, because the shyness…”

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Rael Bricker Rael Bricker

Ep 33 : The Top Five Tips To Get The Best Testimonial Videos

“So obviously, we're asking for our own selfish needs, you know, for promotional purposes, and our clients aren't silly, they understand that we're using their testimonial for our promotional purposes. But we can also point out the fact that it's suddenly going to help others in the community, and subtly are going to help others that are looking for this solution. So, if, for instance, you've got a community of people, like you know, if you've got a course or your coach or something like that, you'd be saying something along the lines of I'd love to share your story with others, because I think it'll help a lot of other people in the community, that kind of thing. So just framing it as there's a community or a contribution or a larger contribution benefit to it as well.”

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