Ep95: Viral Video

I think we're going to look at the way that the human brain is built. And what it is the video actually does to the human brain than other pieces of content or types of content, or media doesn't do. So, you know, humans at the moment are living in an overstimulated environment compared to what we were designed to actually exist in. And so what we've got is we've got this continual stimulus in our brains, and then it's you know, an overstimulation is almost become the norm. So in order to attract attention, in order to drive business and be seen and heard, you actually have to spike human attention even further.

How long should my videos be? And the answer truly is this. And yeah, this is based on six or seven years research of the most viral content on the planet. I studied viral videos, because they are the alpha predator of the internet, you want to demand attention, and a response to drive business, you want to learn from the best and viral videos of the best. There are viral videos that only go for a few seconds. But there are also viral videos, and even viral movies that can go for hours

01:09 - Attention Span
03:15 How long
06:31 Attracting attention
10:49 Call to Action
13:22 Keeping going
19:14 Raw Video
24:55 Reality TV
28:17 Time


Building Brands whose Reputations Sky rocket 🚀 while never running out of control -
If you think about it we can all “Go Viral” if we wanted to. The art is to achieve mass exposure in a way that enhances your position, attracts the right kind of attention and translates into real business outcomes.
We achieve this through our unique approach that draws upon our expertise in Mass communications, our understanding of Viral content and our experience in Story based Marketing. Brand Narratives and Storytelling
An award winning Investigative Journalist, Leading authority on Video strategy, Marketing and Production.
The Virable Formula.
My goal is to save the internet... one bad video at a time. Join the fight, don’t add to the noise.

Jonathan works with individuals, entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants to provide them with an unfair content advantage. While also guiding the communications strategies of ASX 200 listed companies and a lead curriculum designer at RMIT's International business faculty.


EP96: Influencer Marketing


Ep94: Story Sailing