Ep 64 : The Top Five Tips For Building Teams

With Ben Grimes

“Trust is really a two-way street. And in order to build trust, there has to be a first mover. As a leader, it's incumbent upon you to be the first mover. And so, if you want to create a trusting environment within your team, you have to offer trust. And that means trusting that your folks have the organization's and the team's best interests in mind, trust that they have the skills to pursue the tasks and projects that you've given them.”


Ben Grimes Top Five Tips For Building Teams

1.  Lead by shoe leather - be with your people.

2. Trust is given, and leaders go first.

3. We're all human & it's ok that you are, too.

4. Make sure you're all speaking the same language.

5. Put your (organizational) values into action.



01:33 The theory behind shoe leather.

05:00 The role of the leader is to make the first move in trust.

10:52  The need to remove preconceived misconceptions.

16: 48 How values impact the work environment.


Where to find Ben?

Website                  http://www.bkgleadershipcoaching.com/

LinkedIn                 https://www.linkedin.com/in/benkgrimes


Ben Grimes Bio

Ben is a leadership coach and consultant who brings decades of leadership training and development experience.  From his twenty-year career as an Army Aviation Officer and military attorney to years as a federal government leader and recognized professionalism expert, Ben is a resource to lawyers, law firms, and other professionals working to shift performance and culture.  With a focus on developing leaders grounded in principles of trust, transparency, empathy, and passion, Ben facilitates growth in personal capacity, organizational health, and enterprise success.  Ben is, himself, passionate about the power and potential of leadership with a human lens.  He hold a B.S. from the United States Military Academy at West Point, a law degree from New York University School of Law, and an LL.M. from The Judge Advocate General's Legal Centre & School. 


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